
Of Counsel Roberto Cassinelli Contact

Roberto Cassinelli is of counsel to CARNELUTTI Law Firm.
He mainly works within the firm’s banking and restructuring departments. A graduate of the University of Milan, he began his professional career in one of the most renowned Italian law firms, before leaving to develop his particular areas of activity in his own boutique firm. He has acquired in-depth knowledge and expertise in the sphere of commercial, corporate and bankruptcy law, also working as sole arbitrator and a member of arbitration panels. He has held several directorships and positions as auditor, court commissioner and extraordinary commissioner in many companies.
He regularly provides assistance to banking groups and major industrial and commercial corporations in litigation and restructuring deals. He has also advised several clients with regard to business contracting, procurement law and banking law (in particular, legislation covered by TUB Testo Unico Bancario and TUF Testo Unico della Finanza).
He has further advised financial corporations in due diligence activity related with securitisation transactions (NPLs, NPEs, UTPs) and been engaged to handle corporate and extraordinary transactions, in particular in the field of private healthcare.
He is in demand as a speaker at training and refresher courses on bankruptcy law and the regulation of professional practice.
Roberto has been a member of the board of the Bar Association of Genoa, of which he is currently an auditor.
Qualified to practice before the Supreme Court of Cassation, Roberto is also a qualified registered public accountant.
He has held numerous positions in public institutions and he is currently serving as a member of the Italian Parliament for his third term of office.

  • Extraordinary commissioner of large enterprises in a state of insolvency.
  • Assisting an airport management company with reference to passive bankruptcy claw-back actions after the collapse of the main Italian airline holding company.
  • Advising a company, a concessionaire of a State property, in the renegotiation of sub-concession conditions in order to sell a real estate asset in the context of an extraordinary administration procedure.
  • Advising a major banking group in relation to the consequences of offering Icelandic bonds after the financial crisis.
  • Assisting an industrial group in proceedings before the Antitrust Authority (AGCM) relating to presumed improper commercial practises.
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