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Legal Day

June 27, 2019

Francesco Francica was a key note speaker at the roundtable entitled: “Il mercato legale visto dalle imprese: il legal procurement, il giurista d'impresa manager e i nuovi paradigmi della domanda di servizi legali. Nulla come prima” (The legal market seen by companies: the legal procurement, the company lawyer/manager and the new paradigms of the demand for legal services. Nothing will be as before.), in the prestigious setting of Palazzo del Bo, Via VIII Febbraio 2, in Padua. On June 27 th , 2019, the University of Padova became the capital of the Legal Market 4.0: an unprecedented connection between tradition and innovation, culture and work, history and current events. Academics, lawyers, in-house lawyers, students, legal procurement specialists, marketing and legal communication experts, legal head hunters and innovators discussed the salient features of the modern legal market, with its milestones, its development trends and its new boundaries. The program included four round tables and several thematic desks.
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