
Partner Equity Francesco Paolo Francica Contact

Francesco Paolo Francica is a partner in CARNELUTTI Law Firm. He is a member of the firm’s administrative law department and has been working for almost 20 years in the area of administrative law.
His practice focuses on building and town planning, telecoms, antitrust, regulatory law, commercial authorizations, as well as works contracts, utility contracts and agreements with government entities, his workload comprising both contentious and non-contentious matters. Francesco also has an extensive practice in the energy field, in particular with regards to matters related to land use and the environment.
He is a regular contributor to the leading business online magazine “Diritto24” edited by the daily paper "il Sole24Ore". Prior to joining the firm, he worked at top Italian law firms, alongside one of the best-known professors of administrative law.
Francesco graduated in 1997 from the University of Milan and was admitted to the Italian Bar in 2000. He has held rights of audience/representation before the Italian High Court since 2014.
He speaks fluent English in addition to his native Italian.

If you would like more information about Francesco Paolo Francica's representative experience, e-mail him directly:

Legal Day

June 27, 2019
Francesco Francica was a key note speaker at the roundtable entitled: “Il mercato legale visto dalle imprese: il legal procurement, il giurista d'impresa manager e i nuovi paradigmi della domanda di servizi legali. Nulla come prima” (The legal market seen by companies: the legal procurement, the company lawyer/manager and the new paradigms of the demand for legal services. Nothing will be as before.), in the prestigious setting of Palazzo del Bo, Via VIII Febbraio 2, in Padua. On June 27 th , 2019, the University of Padova became the capital of the Legal Market 4.0: an unprecedented connection between tradition and innovation, culture and work, history and current events. Academics, lawyers, in-house lawyers, students, legal procurement specialists, marketing and legal communication experts, legal head hunters and innovators discussed the salient features of the modern legal market, with its milestones, its development trends and its new boundaries. The program included four round tables and several thematic desks.

Council of State: the Decree of the Ministry of Culture imposing a constraint of use on a restaurant is lawful

May 9, 2023
On April 27, 2023, Francesco Francica authored the article Beni culturali, vincolo di destinazione d'uso legittimo se il bene costituisce "espressione di identità culturale collettiva" published on NT+24 to comment on the decision  of the Council of State, no. 5 dated 13.02.2023 which declared that the Decree on the Ministry of Culture imposing a constraint of use on an world-wide reputed restaurant was lawful.

Building licenses, always apply for an extension before the expiration date

April 11, 2023
On, April 7, 2023, Francesco Paolo Francica authored the article Concessione edilizia, richiesta di proroga sempre prima della scadenza published on NT+24 to comment on the decision  of the Council of State, dated 16.03.2023, no. 2757 concerning the cancellation, by the Municipality, of an extension  to a building license which was applied for after the licence had expired.

Exclusion of the provisional guarantee enforceable only on the awardee

October 18, 2022
Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the exclusion of the provisional guarantee.
The comments are edited in an article published on NT+ (Norme & Tributi Plus) of the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) is available on the NT+ webpage.

The extent of declaratory obligations in a tender

October 8, 2020
Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the extent of declaratory obligations in a tender.
The comments are edited in an article published on the new heading NT+ (Norme & Tributi Plus) of the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the NT+ webpage.

The scope of the principle of equivalence | Comments on a decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union

September 22, 2020
Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the identification, when tenders are concerned, of the exact scope of the principle of equivalence referred to in art. 68, paragraph 7, Legislative Decree 50/2016.
The comments are edited in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage.
Please check out Francesco's other article, commenting on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court on the same topic.

The scope of the principle of equivalence | Comments on a decision by the Italian Supreme Administrative Court

September 22, 2020
Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the identification, when tenders are concerned, of the exact scope of the principle of equivalence referred to in art. 68, paragraph 7, Legislative Decree 50/2016.
The comments are edited in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage and was also published on the NT+ (Norme&Tributi Plus) magazine (attached).
Please check out Francesco's other article, commenting on a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Uninion on the same topic.

Cooperation contracts

June 15, 2020
Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the notion of "cooperation contracts" and on the ways in which it is possible to take advantage of them to participate in a tender procedure, in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage.

Transparency list of generic drugs

June 12, 2020
Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the criteria for the inclusion of drugs in the so-called list of transparency, in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage.

The Council of State rejected the appeal filed by the Region of Sardinia

February 14, 2020
Please check out the comment Francesco Francica wrote today on the portal Diritto24, edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore: "Il Consiglio di Stato rigetta l'appello proposto dalla Regione Sardegna, individuando lo specifico ambito di applicazione delle competenze regionali in materia farmaceutica" (The Council of State rejected the appeal filed by the Region of Sardinia, determining the specific scope for the application of regional competencies in pharmaceutical matters).

Multiple bid or improving bid? Clarification from the Council of State

February 12, 2020
Francesco Francica wrote the article: "Offerta multipla o migliorativa? I chiarimenti dal Consiglio di Stato" (Multiple bid or improving bid? Clarification from the Council of State), published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Comment on the Judgement of the European Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 27 November 2019, C-402/18

December 9, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote the article: "Nota a Sentenza della Corte di Giustizia Europea, sez. V del 27/11/2019, n. 402/18” (Comment on the Judgement of the European Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 27 November 2019, C-402/18), published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Tender Procedure

December 6, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote the article: “L'esclusione di un operatore da una procedura non potrà derivare dal mancato rispetto di un obbligo non espressamente indicato dai documenti relativi alla procedura stessa” (A bidder cannot be excluded from a procedure on account of a failure to comply with a requirement which is not expressly stated in the documents concerning such tender procedure) pubblished on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Recruitment Exams for Public Servants

December 5, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: “Concorsi pubblici, limitazioni all'attivazione del soccorso istruttorio” (Recruitment exams for public servants: restrictions on rectifying formal shortcomings in submitted documentation) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Exclusion from the consortium

May 10, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: “Gare: la mancanza del requisito di qualificazione è causa di esclusione del raggruppamento d'imprese” (Tenders: lack of the qualification requisite is a reason for exclusion from the consortium) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Resolution No. 194/2018 of the Regional Executive Council of Tuscany

April 8, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: “La deliberazione di giunta regionale toscana n. 194/2018 nega la centralità della valutazione medica e appropriatezza terapeutica relativamente ai farmaci biosimilari” (Resolution no. 194/2018 of the regional executive council of Tuscany rejects the centrality of medical assessment and therapeutic appropriateness of biosimilar medicinal products) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.  

Lacking a Condition for Entitlement

March 20, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote the article: “E' illegittima la riduzione dell'orario di apertura di un locale in assenza di un presupposto legittimante” (Lacking a condition for entitlement, reducing opening hours of a food and beverage establishment is unlawful) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Applicable Jurisdiction in case of Penalties by Consob

March 7, 2019
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled "I criteri di riparto della giurisdizione in relazione al provvedimento sanzionatorio della Consob e all'atto regolamentare o amministrativo presupposto " (Applicable jurisdiction in case of penalties by Consob) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

"The Concept of “Latest Generation” for Medical Devices

March 6, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote the article "The concept of “latest generation” for medical devices goes beyond mere chronological sequence" published in the Smart24PA, review specialized in matters that involve public administration, published by Il Sole24Ore Group.

Landscape Compatibility Clearances in the Relation between the State and Regions

February 28, 2019
Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: "Autorizzazioni paesistiche nel rapporto tra Stato e Regioni (Landscape compatibility clearances in the relation between the State and Regions).  

Electronic Court Filings in Administrative Trials

July 17, 2018
Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: "Processo Amministrative Telematico" (Electronic court filings in administrative trials).

Exclusion from the Public Tendering Procedure and Application of Guidelines no. 6 of ANAC

October 5, 2017
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled "Esclusione dalla procedura ad evidenza pubblica e applicazione delle Linee Guida n. 6 di ANAC " (Exclusion from the public tendering procedure and application of Guidelines no. 6 of ANAC) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Relinquishing Waiver after Unlawful Occupation

July 17, 2017
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled " La rinuncia abdicativa a seguito di occupazione illegittima" (Relinquishing Waiver after Unlawful Occupation) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.  

The Relevant Point in Time to File Third Party Proceedings

March 29, 2017
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled " Il momento rilevante per l'individuazione dell'interesse che legittima la proposizione dell'azione di opposizione di terzo " (The relevant point in time to determine sufficient interest to file third party proceedings) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Time Limits to Establish Compatibility of Fuel Stations: Proper Application of LD N.98/2011

January 11, 2017
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled "Limiti alla proroga del termine per la verifica di compatibilità degli impianti di distribuzione carburanti: corretta applicazione del D.L. n. 98/2011" (Time limits to establish compatibility of fuel stations: proper application of LD N.98/2011) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Penalties and Enforcement of the Guarantor in the Event of Guarantees

January 5, 2017
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Sanzioni ed escussione del garante nei casi di garanzia fideiussoria” (Penalties and enforcement of the guarantor in the event of guarantees) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Unlawful Award of the Tender for Lack of Requisites Set Out in Lex Specialis

January 4, 2017
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Applicabilità del soccorso istruttorio e annullamento del contratto di appalto sottoscritto a seguito dell'illegittima aggiudicazione della gara per carenza dei requisiti previsti dalla lex specialis” (Application of assistance in establishing the file and cancellation of the contracts executed further to the unlawful award of the tender for lack of requisites set out in lex specialis) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

No Alteration to the Criterion to Calculate Scores in Tender Procedures

October 12, 2016
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Il divieto di alterazione del criterio di calcolo dei punteggi in corso di gara” (No alteration to the criterion to calculate scores in tender procedures) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore. With decision no. 1211 dated 5 October 2016, the first chamber of the Regional administrative court of Turin ruled on the long-standing issue of the margins within which the awarding authority is entitled to amend part of the special clauses of the tender competition while the tender procedure is itself in progress.

The Owner Re-enters into Possession Limits any Remedying Acquisition under art. 42-bis

October 4, 2016
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Il giudicato restitutorio come limite all’acquisizione sanante ex articolo 42 bis” (The court decision establishing that the owner re-enters into possession limits any remedying acquisition under art. 42-bis) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Administrative Jurisdiction on the Italian Certification of Labour Compliance (DURC)

June 13, 2016
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “La Giurisdizione Amministrativa in tema di d.u.r.c, con specifico riguardo alla regolarizzazione postum” (Administrative jurisdiction on the Italian Certification of Labor Compliance (DURC), with specific reference to regularization after the award) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Limitations on the Installation of a Base Transceiver Station

July 9, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Limiti per l’installazione di una stazione radio base: illegittimità dell’autorizzazione rilasciata dal Comune” (Limitations on the installation of a base transceiver station: the authorization released by the municipality is unlawful) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Restrictions and Conditions to Identify Areas where Pharmacies May Be Opened

May 21, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Limiti e presupposti per l’individuazione delle zone di aperture delle farmacie” (Restrictions and conditions to identify areas where pharmacies may be opened) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

The Acquisition Against no Consideration for Inclusion in the Municipality’s Assets Against a not Guilty Owner is Unlawful

April 22, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “L’illegittimità dell’acquisizione gratuita al patrimonio comunale disposta nei confronti del proprietario incolpevole” (The acquisition against no consideration for inclusion in the municipality’s assets against a not guilty owner is unlawful) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Unlawful Selection Examination

April 16, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Concorso illegittimo: inammissibile il risarcimento invece dell’annullamento” (Unlawful selection examination: compensation cannot replace cancellation) published on “Il Quotidiano Enti Locale & PA” edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Time Limit to File Compensation Claim with Administrative Courts

April 13, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Termine di proposizione dell’azione risarcitoria innanzi al G.A.: inapplicabilità del termine di 120 giorni ai giudizi pendenti prima dell’entrata in vigore del D.Lgs. 104/2010” (Time limit to file compensation claim with administrative courts: non-application of the 120-day time limit in the event of cases pending before the enactment of Leg. Dec. 104/2010) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Unlawful Occupancy of Public Areas

April 1, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Occupazione abusiva di suolo pubblico: il Sindaco può chiudere l’attività commerciale” (Unlawful occupancy of public areas: mayors entitled to shut down business) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Awarding Frequency Blocks in Telephony

March 30, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “L’assegnazione dei blocchi frequenziali nella telefonia: tutela dei principi di libera concorrenza e di non discriminazione” (Awarding frequency blocks in telephony: protecting the principles of free competition and non discrimination) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Right to Access Environmental Information

March 20, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Il diritto di accesso alle informazioni ambientali: ampliamento del novero dei soggetti legittimati nella giurisprudenza amministrativa” (Right to access environmental information: administrative courts expanded the set of entitled parties) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Safety Charges

March 20, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Obbligo di indicare nell’offerta economica gli oneri di sicurezza anche in assenza di specifica previsione della lex specialis” (Obligation to state safety charges even if there is no specific provision of a lex specialis) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Polluter Pays

March 17, 2015
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Chi inquina paga”: commento alla recente sentenza della Corte di Giustizia Europea” (“Polluter pays “: comment on the recent decision of the European Court of Justice) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Mobile Phone Antennas in Cemeteries’ Buffer Zones

May 25, 2010
Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Le antenne per telefonia mobile nella fascia di rispetto cimiteriale” (Mobile phone antennas in cemeteries’ buffer zones) published on Danno e Responsabilità, (Damages and Liabilities) a monthly review on insurance and third party liability, no. 5/2010.

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