
Partner Ruggero Rubino Sammartano Contact

Ruggero Rubino-Sammartano is a partner in CARNELUTTI Law Firm. He is a member of the firm's litigation department, where his practice focuses on arbitration and litigation (both national and international) and on corporate and company law mainly for foreign clients, such as multinational corporations, active in Telecom, Semiconductors, Life Science, Food, Textile, Automotive industries.

Ruggero supports their business in the day-to-day operations, as well as in extraordinary transactions, such as M&A, or purchase and sale of businesses. Highly versatile professional, he builds strong ties with his clients lasting over the years, which makes him an important interface for the foreign shareholders. Ruggero has more than twenty years of experience in working at international matters thanks his experiences in law firms in Milan, London, New York, Paris and Munich.

He is dual qualified, admitted to the Italian Bar (Milan) in 2006 and admitted to the Bar of Paris (2019). Ruggero is a member of the editorial board of the law review “Il Foro Padano” as well as of the International Committee of the Milan Bar and speaks at arbitration and mediation conferences. He also authors contributions on arbitration and mediation in different languages.

Italian native speaker, Ruggero is fluent in English, French, German and has a good command of Spanish. Being fluent in several languages helps him to quickly dive into the different cultures and legal systems that he regularly works with.

Author of the following contributions and articles :

  • Co-editor of Practitioner's Handbook on International Commercial Arbitration, 3rd Ed., Gen. Ed. Frank-Bernd Weigand, Oxford University Press 2019,
  • “Italy” in Statute Of Limitations In International Commercial Claims, Gen. Ed. David Franklin, Thomson Reuters, 2016;
  • Il était une fois les montagnes russes – la médiation à l’italienne, Paris Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 2, 2014 (Once upon a time there were the rollercosters – Mediation According to Italian Style)
  • Italian compulsory mediation: an example to be followed?, IBA Mediation news - Sep. 2012 Issue,
  • Costi, interessi e maggior danno to Arbitrato, Conciliazione e A.D.R. (Arbitration Mediation and ADR), Gen. Ed. Mauro Rubino-Sammartano, Zanichelli 2009 (Costs, interest and higher damages)
  • Forse una decisione “ultra- ultra vires”? Un commento alla sentenza della Corte costituzionale tedesca 2 BVR 859/15 del 5 magio 2020 – CRINT Bulletin, I, 2020 (A “ultra- ultra vires” decision maybe? Comment to German Constitutional Court’s  judgment BVR 859/15 of the Second Senate dated 5 May 2020)
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