
EUIPO refuses position mark for footwear

Margherita Barié, along with Giulia Panigazzi, co-authored the article about  European Union - Legal updates: case law analysis and intelligence.

  • A position mark is distinctive when it deviates significantly from the sector’s customary practices or usages
  • The average consumer does not usually assume the origin of goods based on the shape and/or position of a sign, in the

             absence of further graphic/textual elements

  • Market customs, the existence of counterfeiters and previous EUIPO practice are irrelevant for the purpose of

             determining the distinctiveness of a position mark

This article first appeared in WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (05/2024). For further information, please go to

General Court provides guidance on what constitutes proof of reputation of earlier mark

Giulia Panigazzi, along with Margherita Barié, co-authored the article “General Court provides guidance on what constitutes proof of reputation of earlier mark” published on WTR Daily.

  • In assessing the reputation of an earlier mark in the European Union, the evidential value of a document varies depending on whether the period covered is close to or distant from the filing date of the later mark
  • Scientific or public-interest press resulting from independent research has evidential value in itself, while evidence consisting of promotional press shall be supported by proof of dissemination
  • Presence on the Internet, through websites or social media, may contribute to the reputation of a mark when it is supported by independent data and information on the users and their activity on such platforms

In Atomico Investment Holdings Ltd v European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) (Case T‑98/23, 28 February 2024), the General Court has ruled against Atomico Investment Holdings Ltd (‘the applicant’), owner of the earlier ATOMICO trademarks, in favour of Augusto Gomes Tominaga and his application for the following EU trademark…

This article first appeared in WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (month/year). For further information, please go

Real Estate Considerations in Corporate Transactions (Italy)

Cecilia Gozzoli wrote an article for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on-line review entitled: " Real Estate Considerations in Corporate Transactions (Italy)”.  The note discusses key considerations for a buyer when handling a corporate transaction such as a merger, asset purchase, or share purchase that involves owned or leased real estate in Italy. This Note discusses property due diligence, negotiation of real estate provisions in the transaction documents, and real estate closing conditions. Check out the article at this link:

Battle of the dachshunds: figurative and word elements of composite marks may be co-dominant published on WTR Daily

Giulia Panigazzi, along with Margherita Barié, co-authored the article Battle of the dachshunds: figurative and word elements of composite marks may be co-dominant published on WTR Daily. In the assessment of similarity, the figurative element of a composite mark may be considered to be as distinctive and dominant as the word element. On 25 October 2023 in Case T‑773/22, the General Court ruled in favour of Italian clothing company Harmont & Blaine SpA, upholding the decisions of the Opposition Division and the Board of Appeal of the EUIPO.

This article first appeared in WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (month/year). For further information, please go to

Proporzionalità e sufficienza della retribuzione: la giurisprudenza continua a supplire al vuoto normativo?

Giovanni Antonio Osnago Gadda, along with Bianca Savini, co-authored the article “Proporzionalità e sufficienza della retribuzione: la giurisprudenza continua a supplire al vuoto normativo?” published on weekly magazine Guida al Lavoro edited by Il Sole 24Ore. It covers a current topic, providing an  updated and stimulating overview about the proportionality and sufficiency of remuneration.

Trusts and Real Estate Assets

Gilberto Comi and Riccardo Zena, together with Professor Giorgio Semino, co-authored an article on Trusts and Real Estate Portfolios, published on the website of UBS bank dedicated to Wealth Planning titled Trust e Patrimoni Immobiliari. The authors focused on Trusts as an efficient tool to preserve estates in consideration, among other things, of the recent instructions released by the Italian Revenue Agency which – after years of debate – finally recognized the key principle that the time of taxation is not when the assets are contributed to the Trust by the settlor but the later moment when assets are assigned to the Trust’s beneficiaries. (Revenue Agency Instructions no. 34/E, 20 October 2022). To read the full article, open the attachment.

Council of State: the Decree of the Ministry of Culture imposing a constraint of use on a restaurant is lawful

On April 27, 2023, Francesco Francica authored the article Beni culturali, vincolo di destinazione d'uso legittimo se il bene costituisce "espressione di identità culturale collettiva" published on NT+24 to comment on the decision  of the Council of State, no. 5 dated 13.02.2023 which declared that the Decree on the Ministry of Culture imposing a constraint of use on an world-wide reputed restaurant was lawful.

Publications by Marco Lacaita

Il Governo dell’Energia dopo Fukushima, Edit. Scientifica Napoli


Benchmarking Public-Private Partnerships Procurement 2017, issued by the World Bank Group Study


The legal framework for the enforcement of creditor claims in selected EBRD countries of operations, issued by EBRD Stud


Several articles issued on the magazine, Energy World.

Proceedings for an arrangement with creditors as a going concern and public procurement

Dario Latella authored the contribution Concordato in continuità e contratti pubblici: note a margine del CCII, in vista del nuovo codice degli appalti published in number 4/2023 of the review Il Fallimento, by IPSOA Wolters Kluwer. The new Public Procurement Code (Leg. Dec. no. 26/2023) reopened the debate on the going concern of companies that start proceedings for an arrangement with creditors, as reshaped by the Code of Crisis (Leg. Dec. 14/2019). In his article, Dario Latella gives an initial overview of the new rules.

Cultural Heritage, Greater Protection for the Image of Artwork

Elisabetta Mina was one of the experts interviewed by Italia Oggi to comment on the controversial campaign “Open to Meraviglia” of the Ministry of Tourism promoting tourism in Italy and starring Botticelli’s Venus. The article was published on Monday June 19, 2023.

Foreign Companies Leasing Office Space in Italy

Cecilia Gozzoli wrote an article for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on-line review entitled: " Foreign Companies Leasing Office Space in Italy”.  The note discusses the issues to consider when a foreign organisation leases office space in a multi-tenant building in Italy. This Note provides guidance for foreign counsel on the leasing process in Italy, including the workflow of the transaction, laws affecting the parties, and key documents, issues, and customs in leasing transactions. Check out the article at this link:

CJEU clarifies rules governing joint ownership of national and EUtrademarks EUROPEAN

Margherita Barié, partner of Carnelutti Law Firm, authored the article "CJEU clarifies rules governing joint ownership of national and EUtrademarks EUROPEAN" on the World Trademark Review published on May 18, 2023 to comment on the CJEU's judgment  in case C-686/21 following a request for a preliminary ruling by the Italian Supreme Court on co-ownership of a trademark. This article first appeared in WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (month/year). For further information, please go to To read the full article, click on the attachment.

Building licenses, always apply for an extension before the expiration date

On, April 7, 2023, Francesco Paolo Francica authored the article Concessione edilizia, richiesta di proroga sempre prima della scadenza published on NT+24 to comment on the decision  of the Council of State, dated 16.03.2023, no. 2757 concerning the cancellation, by the Municipality, of an extension  to a building license which was applied for after the licence had expired.

UK and UE renegotiating Northern Ireland Protocol

Cecilia Gozzoli was interviewed by Legal Chronicle Italy on re-negotiations of Northern Ireland Protocol. Check out the article at this link:

Distinctiveness acquired through use: General Court clarifies which type of evidence has greater evidential value

Margherita Barié, partner of Carnelutti Law Firm, authored the article "Distinctiveness acquired through use: General Court clarifies which type of evidence has greater evidential valueon the World Trademark Review published on April 06, 2023 to comment on the decision providing some valuable guidance on how to prove that an EU trademark has acquired secondary meaning. This article first appeared in WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in (month/year). For further information, please go to To read the full article, click on the attachment.

General Court highlights proximity between goods in Classes 32 and 33

Margherita Barié, partner of Carnelutti Law Firm, authored the article "General Court highlights proximity between goods in Classes 32 and 33" on the World Trademark Review published on April 20, 2022 to comment on the decision of the General Court in Case T-445/21 between Copal Tree Brands Inc (‘the applicant’), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and Sumol + Compal Marcas SA (‘the intervener’). The applicant filed a plea in law was on the infringement and incorrect application of Article 8(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 of the European Parliament and of the Council. To read the article, click on the attachment.

Exclusion of the provisional guarantee enforceable only on the awardee

Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the exclusion of the provisional guarantee.
The comments are edited in an article published on NT+ (Norme & Tributi Plus) of the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) is available on the NT+ webpage.

Publications by Giovanni A. Osnago Gadda

Giovanni A. Osnago Gadda is author and coauthor of monographs:
  • Il licenziamento del dirigente d’azienda (Dismissal of Executives), Journal of the Administrative and Financial Directors, ANDAF, July 2019
  • Il test che svela la subordinazione, (Subordinate employment test), Il Sole 24 Ore, July 2011, n. 187
  • Dipendenti: ferie con il «2+2» (Staff: holiday leave with «2+2»”, Il Sole 24 Ore, June 2011, n. 166
  • Vantaggi ai disabili e ai loro familiari sul posto di lavoro (Workplace advantages for the disabled and their family members), L’Esperto Risponde, Il Sole 24 Ore, June 2010
  • Lavoro con «finale» certo, (Employment with a definite “ending”) L’Esperto Risponde, Il Sole 24 Ore, February 2010

Presente e Futuro della Proprietà Intellettuale (Present and Future if the IP)

Margherita collaborated on the publication published by The Skill Press in November 2019 entitled "Presente e Futuro della Proprietà Intellettuale" (Present and Future of Intellectual Property) pref. by Antonio Bana. With a treatise entitled "I segni costitutivi dei motivi ripetuti: focus pratico sui limiti e  le forme di tutela" (The constitutive signs of repeated motifs: practical focus on limits and forms of protection)

Luca Bolognini’s publications

Luca Bolognini’s books in the last few years, as editor, author or co-author: “Deontologia privacy per avvocati e investigatori privati” (privacy for lawyers and private investigators, Giuffrè, 2009), “Next Privacy” (RCS Etas, 2010), “Privacy Technologies and Policies” (chapter on IoT and 3D privacy, Springer, 2016), “Generazione Selfie” (Corriere della Sera, 2014), “Il Regolamento Privacy Europeo” (the first Italian commentary on the GDPR, Giuffrè, 2016), “La nuova responsabilità sanitaria e la sua assicurazione” (chapter on privacy e transparency for health sector, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2017), «La responsabilità civile nel trattamento di dati personali e per atti di cybercrime» (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2018).  “Codice Privacy: tutte le novità del D.Lgs. 101/2018” (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2018). “A.I. Artificial Insanity – Reflections on the resilience of human intelligence” (Rubbettino, 2018), a pamphlet about digital rights, Big Data law and impacts of Artificial Intelligence on human lives. “Internet of Things Security and Data Protection” (Springer, 2019), in particular with the essays “Evolution of Data Protection Norms and Their Impact on the Internet of Things”, “Voluntary Compliance Commitment Tool for European General Data Protection Regulation”, “IoT and Cloud Computing: Specific Security and Data Protection Issues”.«La rappresentanza dei diritti in materia di protezione dei dati personali, tra azioni plurisoggettive e azioni collettive» in the book “Azione di classe: la riforma italiana e le prospettive europee” (essay on privacy and data protection class actions, Giappichelli, 2020). Director, with Enrico Pelino, and author of the major volume «Codice della Disciplina Privacy» (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2019, 1454 pages), a complete commentary to the GDPR and all the Italian data protection and privacy laws. Editor and author of the book “Privacy e libero mercato digitale” (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, May 2021), focusing on the convergence of sectoral and market regulations in the data-driven era.

Brexit and financial services: an overview

Cecilia Gozzoli wrote an article on transition period and “passporting rights” regarding financial services following Brexit for Funds People. Check out the article at this link:

Air quality: a crucial variant

Luca Arnaboldi wrote an article for the financial newspaper Il Sole24Ore entitled: "Air quality: a crucial variant" on the possible relation between the air quality and the spread of the Covid-19. Check out the article at this link.

CJEU: ‘electrical energy’ not included in Class 4 of eighth edition of Nice Classification

Partner Margherita Barié wrote an article for the international magazine World Trademark Review titled: "CJEU: ‘electrical energy’ not included in Class 4 of eighth edition of Nice Classification", where she commented the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)  judgment in Case C-121/19 between Edison SpA and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The full article is attached.

The extent of declaratory obligations in a tender

Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the extent of declaratory obligations in a tender.
The comments are edited in an article published on the new heading NT+ (Norme & Tributi Plus) of the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the NT+ webpage.

The eclipse of legal capital and the “Covid” legislation in Italy

What about the legal capital? Our Dario Latella wrote an article to demonstrate that such question is faced by the lawyers in order to support the function of rules that seem to be anachronistic, inefficient or, in any case, not suitable for carrying out the goals of EU laws on company’s capital. Moreover, the financial crisis (pandemic or structural) has made the legal capital an empty concept. The topic is discussed both from a legal and economic perspective, due to the differences between the main legal systems (essentially, US and Europe) and the evidence given by the Law and Economics Analysis of the efficiency of the s.c. "solvency" test. This article argues with the possibility of imagining a sort of conversion of the legal capital into the risk of the loss of net assets and of transferring the matter of poor capitalization of companies on the insurance market. 

Single Market and Freedom of Circulation in EU Law – Second Edition

Francesco Bestagno wrote the Second edition of the book “Mercato unico e libertà di circolazione nell'Unione Europea" (Single Market and Freedom of Circulation in EU Law), with A. Arena, G. Rossolillo, Giappichelli, Turin, 2020.

General Court provides guidance on assessment of evidence of genuine use

Partner Margherita Barié wrote an article for the international magazine World Trademark Review titled: "General Court provides guidance on assessment of evidence of genuine use", where she commented the General Court judgment rendered on May 28, 2020 in Case T-615/18 between Diesel SpA, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and Sprinter megacentros del deporte SL. The full article is attached.

The scope of the principle of equivalence | Comments on a decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union

Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the identification, when tenders are concerned, of the exact scope of the principle of equivalence referred to in art. 68, paragraph 7, Legislative Decree 50/2016.
The comments are edited in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage.
Please check out Francesco's other article, commenting on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court on the same topic.

World Trademark Review

Margherita Bariè wrote an article titled "General Court confirms that EUIPO may accept supplementary evidence of use filed belatedly", including three main statements:
  • The EUIPO may accept supplementary proof of use of an earlier mark which has not been submitted in due time
  • The use of a trademark is genuine when it guarantees the identity of the origin of the goods/services for which the trademark is registered
  • The weak distinctive character of the earlier mark does not, in itself, preclude a likelihood of confusion with a later mark
This article first appeared on WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review, in February 2020. For further information, please go to

The scope of the principle of equivalence | Comments on a decision by the Italian Supreme Administrative Court

Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the identification, when tenders are concerned, of the exact scope of the principle of equivalence referred to in art. 68, paragraph 7, Legislative Decree 50/2016.
The comments are edited in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage and was also published on the NT+ (Norme&Tributi Plus) magazine (attached).
Please check out Francesco's other article, commenting on a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Uninion on the same topic.

Cooperation contracts

Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the notion of "cooperation contracts" and on the ways in which it is possible to take advantage of them to participate in a tender procedure, in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage.

Transparency list of generic drugs

Partner Francesco Paolo Francica commented on a decision of the Italian Administrative Court (Consiglio di Stato) on the criteria for the inclusion of drugs in the so-called list of transparency, in an article published on the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The full article (in Italian) can be read on the newspaper webpage.

The Council of State rejected the appeal filed by the Region of Sardinia

Please check out the comment Francesco Francica wrote today on the portal Diritto24, edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore: "Il Consiglio di Stato rigetta l'appello proposto dalla Regione Sardegna, individuando lo specifico ambito di applicazione delle competenze regionali in materia farmaceutica" (The Council of State rejected the appeal filed by the Region of Sardinia, determining the specific scope for the application of regional competencies in pharmaceutical matters).

Multiple bid or improving bid? Clarification from the Council of State

Francesco Francica wrote the article: "Offerta multipla o migliorativa? I chiarimenti dal Consiglio di Stato" (Multiple bid or improving bid? Clarification from the Council of State), published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Terralex Cross-Border Copyright Guide 2019

Margherita Barié contributed to the Terralex Cross-Border Copyright Guide 2019 with the Italian Chapter.

Comment on the Judgement of the European Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 27 November 2019, C-402/18

Francesco Francica wrote the article: "Nota a Sentenza della Corte di Giustizia Europea, sez. V del 27/11/2019, n. 402/18” (Comment on the Judgement of the European Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 27 November 2019, C-402/18), published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Crises in Corporate Groups in the New Italian Insolvency Code

Dario Latella wrote an article entitled: "Crises in Corporate Groups in the New Italian Insolvency Code", in Commentario al nuovo Codice della Crisi e dell’Insolvenza, Zanichelli, Bologna (forthcoming).

Project Financing and Promoter’s Right of First Refusal

Roberta Valentini wrote the article: “Project Financing e Prelazione del Promotore” (Project Financing and Promoter's Right of First Refusal) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.    

Implied Administrative Measures and Conditions of Admissibility

Carlo Lucioni wrote an article entitled: “Provvedimento amministrativo implicito e condizioni di ammissibilità” (Implied administrative measures and conditions of admissibility) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Tender Procedure

Francesco Francica wrote the article: “L'esclusione di un operatore da una procedura non potrà derivare dal mancato rispetto di un obbligo non espressamente indicato dai documenti relativi alla procedura stessa” (A bidder cannot be excluded from a procedure on account of a failure to comply with a requirement which is not expressly stated in the documents concerning such tender procedure) pubblished on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

“Super Accelerated” Proceedings on Public Procurement

Roberta Valentini wrote an article entitled " La Corte di Giustizia UE afferma la compatibilità con il diritto europeo del rito "super-accelerato" in materia di appalti” (The EU Court of Justice upholds compatibility of “super accelerated” proceedings on public procurement with EU law) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.  

The Concept of “on-going Cooperation, Service and/or Supply Agreements

Carlo Lucioni wrote an article entitled “La nozione di "contratti continuativi di cooperazione, servizio e/o fornitura" che non costituiscono subappalto ai sensi dell'art. 105, comma 3, lett c-bis del Dlgs 50/2016” (The concept of "on-going cooperation, service and/or supply agreements " that do not qualify as subcontracts under art. 105, para. 3, lett c-bis of Leg. Dec. 50/2016), published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.  

Recruitment Exams for Public Servants

Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: “Concorsi pubblici, limitazioni all'attivazione del soccorso istruttorio” (Recruitment exams for public servants: restrictions on rectifying formal shortcomings in submitted documentation) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Exclusion from the consortium

Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: “Gare: la mancanza del requisito di qualificazione è causa di esclusione del raggruppamento d'imprese” (Tenders: lack of the qualification requisite is a reason for exclusion from the consortium) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Resolution No. 194/2018 of the Regional Executive Council of Tuscany

Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: “La deliberazione di giunta regionale toscana n. 194/2018 nega la centralità della valutazione medica e appropriatezza terapeutica relativamente ai farmaci biosimilari” (Resolution no. 194/2018 of the regional executive council of Tuscany rejects the centrality of medical assessment and therapeutic appropriateness of biosimilar medicinal products) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.  

Lacking a Condition for Entitlement

Francesco Francica wrote the article: “E' illegittima la riduzione dell'orario di apertura di un locale in assenza di un presupposto legittimante” (Lacking a condition for entitlement, reducing opening hours of a food and beverage establishment is unlawful) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Applicable Jurisdiction in case of Penalties by Consob

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled "I criteri di riparto della giurisdizione in relazione al provvedimento sanzionatorio della Consob e all'atto regolamentare o amministrativo presupposto " (Applicable jurisdiction in case of penalties by Consob) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

“The Concept of “Latest Generation” for Medical Devices

Francesco Francica wrote the article "The concept of “latest generation” for medical devices goes beyond mere chronological sequence" published in the Smart24PA, review specialized in matters that involve public administration, published by Il Sole24Ore Group.

Landscape Compatibility Clearances in the Relation between the State and Regions

Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: "Autorizzazioni paesistiche nel rapporto tra Stato e Regioni (Landscape compatibility clearances in the relation between the State and Regions).  

World Trademark Review

Margherita Barié wrote an article entitled: "General Court: Consumers usually recognise wine by reference to word element", published in WTR Daily.

Electronic Court Filings in Administrative Trials

Francesco Francica wrote an article entitled: "Processo Amministrative Telematico" (Electronic court filings in administrative trials).

The Legal System of Internal Controls in European Company Law

Dario Latella wrote a book entitled: "The Legal System of Internal Controls in European Company Law", Giappichelli, Torino (forthcoming).

The Method of Cutting off Extremes

Roberta Valentini wrote an article entitled: " Il Nuovo Codice degli Appalti - Il metodo del “taglio delle ali” (The New Code of Public Procurement – The method of cutting off extremes).

Handbook on European Union Law

Francesco Bestagno wrote the book “Elementi di diritto dell'Unione europea, parte istituzionale" (Handbook on European Union Law), with U. Draetta, A. Santini, Giuffré-Lefebvre, Milan.

Multi-jurisdictional Cross-Border Copyright Guide 2018

Margherita Barié wrote the Italian chapter of the Terralex Cross-Border Copyright Guide 2018, an effort undertaken by member firms in 21 jurisdictions around the world.

Regulation of Sport Activities and Right to Respect to Private Life under the ECHR

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Regulation of Sport Activities and Right to Respect to Private Life under the European Convention on Human Rights” online in European Papers.

WTR Daily

Margherita Barié wrote an article entitled: "General Court confirms invalidity of TOSCORO based on earlier PGI 'Toscano'", published in WTR Daily.


Exclusion from the Public Tendering Procedure and Application of Guidelines no. 6 of ANAC

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled "Esclusione dalla procedura ad evidenza pubblica e applicazione delle Linee Guida n. 6 di ANAC " (Exclusion from the public tendering procedure and application of Guidelines no. 6 of ANAC) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

The Arbitration Body

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “L’Organo arbitrale: Diritti, doveri e responsabilità dell’arbitro; Ricusazione e sostituzione dell’arbitro” (The Arbitration Body: Rights, Duties and responsibilities of the Arbitrator; Disqualification and Replacement of the Arbitrator), in Commentario dell’Arbitrato interno e internazionale (Commentary on Domestic and International Arbitration), edited by M. BENEDETTELLI, C. CONSOLO, L. RADICATI DI BROZOLO, Cedam, Padua, II edition.

Distribution Agreement: Termination “Ad Nutum” by the Supplier and Protection of the Distributor

Cecilia Cagnoni Luoni wrote the article entitled: La concessione di vendita: recesso “ad nutum” del concedente e tutela del concessionario (Distribution Agreement: Termination Ad Nutum by the Supplier and Protection of the Distributor) in I Contratti, n. 2/2017, pp. 185-199.

Terralex Cross-Border Copyright Guide 2017

Margherita Barié contributed to the Terralex Cross-Border Copyright Guide 2017 with the Italian Chapter.

Relinquishing Waiver after Unlawful Occupation

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled " La rinuncia abdicativa a seguito di occupazione illegittima" (Relinquishing Waiver after Unlawful Occupation) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.  

Freedom of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “La libertà di stabilimento e la libera prestazione dei servizi” (Freedom of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services), in Europa, edited by G. AMATO, E. MOAVERO MILANESI, G. PASQUINO, L. REICHLIN, Treccani, Rome.

The Relevant Point in Time to File Third Party Proceedings

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled " Il momento rilevante per l'individuazione dell'interesse che legittima la proposizione dell'azione di opposizione di terzo " (The relevant point in time to determine sufficient interest to file third party proceedings) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

The Protection of Health between Competences of the EU and of Member States

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “La tutela della salute tra competenze dell’Unione europea e degli Stati membri” (The Protection of Health between Competences of the European Union and of Member States), published in “Studi sull’integrazione europea” (Studies on European Integration) (2017).

Time Limits to Establish Compatibility of Fuel Stations: Proper Application of LD N.98/2011

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled "Limiti alla proroga del termine per la verifica di compatibilità degli impianti di distribuzione carburanti: corretta applicazione del D.L. n. 98/2011" (Time limits to establish compatibility of fuel stations: proper application of LD N.98/2011) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Penalties and Enforcement of the Guarantor in the Event of Guarantees

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Sanzioni ed escussione del garante nei casi di garanzia fideiussoria” (Penalties and enforcement of the guarantor in the event of guarantees) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Unlawful Award of the Tender for Lack of Requisites Set Out in Lex Specialis

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Applicabilità del soccorso istruttorio e annullamento del contratto di appalto sottoscritto a seguito dell'illegittima aggiudicazione della gara per carenza dei requisiti previsti dalla lex specialis” (Application of assistance in establishing the file and cancellation of the contracts executed further to the unlawful award of the tender for lack of requisites set out in lex specialis) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

No Alteration to the Criterion to Calculate Scores in Tender Procedures

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Il divieto di alterazione del criterio di calcolo dei punteggi in corso di gara” (No alteration to the criterion to calculate scores in tender procedures) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore. With decision no. 1211 dated 5 October 2016, the first chamber of the Regional administrative court of Turin ruled on the long-standing issue of the margins within which the awarding authority is entitled to amend part of the special clauses of the tender competition while the tender procedure is itself in progress.

Information Rights in Listed Companies

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "Information Rights in Listed Companies", in Treatise of Company Law, directed by Prof. Pietro Abbadessa and Prof. Giuseppe B. Portale (forthcoming)

Developments and Critical Issues of Corporate Governance in Italy

Alberto Rittatore Vonwiller wrote the article “Developments and Critical Issues of Corporate Governance in Italy”, published by Lawyer Issue.

Single Market and Freedom of Circulation in EU Law

Francesco Bestagno wrote the book “Mercato unico e libertà di circolazione nell'Unione Europea" (Single Market and Freedom of Circulation in EU Law), with A. Arena, G. Rossolillo, Giappichelli, Turin.

The Owner Re-enters into Possession Limits any Remedying Acquisition under art. 42-bis

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Il giudicato restitutorio come limite all’acquisizione sanante ex articolo 42 bis” (The court decision establishing that the owner re-enters into possession limits any remedying acquisition under art. 42-bis) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Developments and Critical Issues of Corporate Governance in Italy

Alberto Rittatore Vonwiller wrote the article “Developments and Critical Issues of Corporate Governance in Italy”, published by Lawyer Issue.

Commercial Dis-integration Scenarios in the Event of “Brexit”

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Scenari di dis-integrazione commerciale in caso di “Brexit” (Commercial Dis-integration Scenarios in the event of “Brexit”), Editorial Comment in "DPCE".

Administrative Jurisdiction on the Italian Certification of Labour Compliance (DURC)

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “La Giurisdizione Amministrativa in tema di d.u.r.c, con specifico riguardo alla regolarizzazione postum” (Administrative jurisdiction on the Italian Certification of Labor Compliance (DURC), with specific reference to regularization after the award) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

The “Baptism of Fire” of the Directive on Tobacco Products

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Il “battesimo del fuoco” della Direttiva sui prodotti del Tabacco, tra esigenze di armonizzazione e di tutela della salute pubblica” (The “Baptism of Fire” of the Directive on Tobacco Products, between needs for Harmonization and Protection of Public Health), online in European Papers.

Private Client Tax 2015

Luca Arnaboldi and Gilberto Comi co-wrote the Chapter on Italian private client regulation in Private Client Tax 2015, published by the European Lawyer.

Limitations on the Installation of a Base Transceiver Station

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Limiti per l’installazione di una stazione radio base: illegittimità dell’autorizzazione rilasciata dal Comune” (Limitations on the installation of a base transceiver station: the authorization released by the municipality is unlawful) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

The “COMI” Concept

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: The "COMI" Concept in the Revision of the European Insolvency Regulation, in European Company and Financial Law Review (ISSN: 1613-2548), p. 479- 495. Vol. 11

Providing for Valid Hold Harmless Covenants in Favor of Directors in Italy

Alberto Rittatore Vonwiller wrote the article “Providing for valid hold harmless covenants in favor of directors in Italy”, published by Lawyer Issue.

The Relationship Between the Charter and the EU Secondary Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice

Francesco wrote the article “I rapporti tra la Carta e le fonti secondarie di diritto dell’UE nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia” (The Relationship Between the Charter and the EU Secondary Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice), in “Diritti umani e Diritto internazionale” (Human Rights and International Law), 2015.

Restrictions and Conditions to Identify Areas where Pharmacies May Be Opened

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Limiti e presupposti per l’individuazione delle zone di aperture delle farmacie” (Restrictions and conditions to identify areas where pharmacies may be opened) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

The Reform of European Insolvency Regulation

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: The Reform of European Insolvency Regulation (EIR-R), in Giurisprudenza commerciale, Giuffrè, Milano, vol. IV.

Sports and the International Bodies Monitoring Human Rights

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “L’attività sportiva nella prassi degli organi internazionali di controllo sui diritti umani” (Sports and the international bodies monitoring human rights), with M. Ferri, in the book “L’Europa e lo sport” (Europe and Sports), edited by S. Bastianon, Giuffré, Milan.

The Acquisition Against no Consideration for Inclusion in the Municipality’s Assets Against a not Guilty Owner is Unlawful

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “L’illegittimità dell’acquisizione gratuita al patrimonio comunale disposta nei confronti del proprietario incolpevole” (The acquisition against no consideration for inclusion in the municipality’s assets against a not guilty owner is unlawful) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Validity and Interpretation of the Acts of the EU in light of the Charter

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Validità e interpretazione degli atti dell’UE alla luce della Carta, nella giurisprudenza in materia di Dati Personali” (Validity and Interpretation of the Acts of the EU in light of the Charter, in court decisions on Personal Data), in "Diritto dell’Unione europea" (European Union Law).

Unlawful Selection Examination

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Concorso illegittimo: inammissibile il risarcimento invece dell’annullamento” (Unlawful selection examination: compensation cannot replace cancellation) published on “Il Quotidiano Enti Locale & PA” edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Time Limit to File Compensation Claim with Administrative Courts

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Termine di proposizione dell’azione risarcitoria innanzi al G.A.: inapplicabilità del termine di 120 giorni ai giudizi pendenti prima dell’entrata in vigore del D.Lgs. 104/2010” (Time limit to file compensation claim with administrative courts: non-application of the 120-day time limit in the event of cases pending before the enactment of Leg. Dec. 104/2010) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Unlawful Occupancy of Public Areas

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Occupazione abusiva di suolo pubblico: il Sindaco può chiudere l’attività commerciale” (Unlawful occupancy of public areas: mayors entitled to shut down business) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Awarding Frequency Blocks in Telephony

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “L’assegnazione dei blocchi frequenziali nella telefonia: tutela dei principi di libera concorrenza e di non discriminazione” (Awarding frequency blocks in telephony: protecting the principles of free competition and non discrimination) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Right to Access Environmental Information

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Il diritto di accesso alle informazioni ambientali: ampliamento del novero dei soggetti legittimati nella giurisprudenza amministrativa” (Right to access environmental information: administrative courts expanded the set of entitled parties) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Safety Charges

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Obbligo di indicare nell’offerta economica gli oneri di sicurezza anche in assenza di specifica previsione della lex specialis” (Obligation to state safety charges even if there is no specific provision of a lex specialis) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.

Polluter Pays

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Chi inquina paga”: commento alla recente sentenza della Corte di Giustizia Europea” (“Polluter pays “: comment on the recent decision of the European Court of Justice) published on the portal Diritto24 edited by the Italian business Newspaper il Sole24Ore.


Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "Assignments" in Il Diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali, Padova, Cedam, n. 1, 2014, pp. 24-62.

Comment on the Articles of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union on State Aid

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Commento degli articoli del TFUE sugli Aiuti di Stato (108-109)” (Comment on the articles of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union on State Aid (108-109)), in F. POCAR, M. BARUFFI, Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea (Brief Commentary on the Treaties of the European Union), Cedam, Padua.

Corporate Disclosures and Protection of Minority Shareholders in Public Companies

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "Corporate Disclosures and Protection of Minority Shareholders in Public Companies", in Società, banche e crisi d’impresa. Liber Amicorum Pietro Abbadessa, Torino, UTET, 2014, pp. 775-818.

Claims for Damages as Private Enforcement Tool of EU Rules on State Aid

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “L'azione risarcitoria come strumento di private enforcement della disciplina di diritto dell'UE sugli Aiuti di Stato” (Claims for Damages as Private Enforcement Tool of EU Rules on State Aid), in "Diritto del commercio internazionale - The Law of International Trade".

Compensation for Damages for Breaches of Rules on State Aids

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “ll risarcimento dei danni per la violazione delle norme in materia di Aiuti di Stato" (Compensation for damages for breaches of Rules on State Aids), in Dizionario sistematico del diritto della concorrenza (Systematic Dictionary of Competition Law), edited by L. PACE, Jovene, Naples.

Private Client Tax 2012

Luca Arnaboldi and Gilberto Comi co-wrote the Chapter on Italian private client regulation in Private Client Tax 2012, published by the European Lawyer.

Legal Framework on Company Management and Coordination Activities

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “La disciplina giuridica in tema di attività di direzione e coordinamento di società” (Legal Framework on Company Management and Coordination Activities), published in Lex24, the online legal directory of the financial daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

Legal Framework on Company Management and Coordination Activities

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “La disciplina giuridica in tema di attività di direzione e coordinamento di società” (Legal Framework on Company Management and Coordination Activities), published in Lex24, the online legal directory of the financial daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

Simul Stabunt Simul Cadent By-laws Clause and Compensation for Damage

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “Clausola statutaria di decadenza – simul stabunt simul cadent – e risarcimento dei danni” (Simul Stabunt Simul Cadent By-laws Clause and Compensation for Damage) published in Diritto24, the online legal directory of the financial daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

New Media and Copyright: Agcom will Sort it Out

“New Media e Copyright: ci pensa l’Agcom” (New Media and Copyright: Agcom will sort it out), by Luca Arnaboldi, published in the Italian business newspaper Italia Oggi.

Real Estate 2011 Getting the Deal Through

Benedetta Amisano, Renata Ricotti and Filippo Galimberti co-wrote the Chapter on Italian real estate regulation in Real Estate 2011, published by Getting the Deal Through.

The World Trade Organisation

Francesco wrote the article “L'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio” (The World Trade Organisation), in the book “Il diritto delle organizzazioni internazionali” (The Law of the International Organisations), U. Draetta-M. Fumagalli eds., Giuffré, Milan.

Real Estate 2011 Getting the Deal Through

Benedetta Amisano, Renata Ricotti and Filippo Galimberti co-wrote the Chapter on Italian real estate regulation in Real Estate 2011, published by Getting the Deal Through.

State Aids in Periods of Crisis

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Gli Aiuti di Stato in tempi di crisi: il sostegno all'economia reale tra misure nazionali e Piano europeo di ripresa, in Problemi e tendenze del diritto internazionale dell'economia” (State Aids in Periods of Crisis: Support to Real Economy between Domestic Measures and the European Recovery Plan), in Problemi e tendenze del diritto internazionale dell'economia (Issues and Trends of International Economic Law), edited by G. SACERDOTI, A. LIGUSTRO, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples.

Private Client Tax 2010

Luca Arnaboldi and Gilberto Comi co-wrote the Chapter on Italian private client regulation in Private Client Tax 2010 published by The European Lawyer.

PLC Cross-border Arbitration Handbook

Margherita Barié contributed the Italian Chapter of the PLC Cross-border Arbitration Handbook.

Mobile Phone Antennas in Cemeteries’ Buffer Zones

Francesco Paolo Francica wrote an article entitled “Le antenne per telefonia mobile nella fascia di rispetto cimiteriale” (Mobile phone antennas in cemeteries’ buffer zones) published on Danno e Responsabilità, (Damages and Liabilities) a monthly review on insurance and third party liability, no. 5/2010.

The Shareholder Derivative Suits

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "The Shareholder Derivative Suits: Disfunction and Remedies against a "Paradoxical" Inactivity", in Corporate Ownership & Control, “Virtus Interpress”, Sumy - Ukraine; - available Social Science Research Network:

The Application of Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code: Conflicting Court Decisions

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “L’applicazione dell’articolo 2409 c.c. alle società a responsabilità limitata: contrasti giurisprudenziali” (The Application of Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code: Conflicting Court Decisions) published in Avvocati24, the online legal directory of the financial daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

Challenges of Development: Asian Perspectives

Francesco Bestagno co-edited with prof. L. Rubini the book “Challenges of Development: Asian Perspectives”, V&P Catholic University Press, Milan, 2010, reviewed in The Asian Journal of International Law 2013, and in The International Spectator 2011.

Closed-End Real Estate Funds

“Fondi immobiliari chiusi, occhio alla patrimoniale secca prevista in manovra”, by Luca Arnaboldi and Leonardo Spina, published in the Italian business newspaper Italia Oggi.

PLC Cross-border Arbitration Handbook

Margherita Barié contributed the Italian Chapter of the PLC Cross-border Arbitration Handbook.

New Provisions Governing Alternative Dispute Resolution

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “La nuova disciplina della mediazione” (New Provisions Governing Alternative Dispute Resolution) published in Avvocati24, the online legal directory of the financial daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

Small and Medium Enterprises – Aggregations among Networks and Systems

CARNELUTTI Law Firm contributed to the guide entitled “PMI all’estero – aggregazioni tra network e reti” (Small and Medium Enterprises – Aggregations among Networks and Systems) published by Il Sole24ORE. The Guide deals with legal and financial profiles of joint ventures, focusing on the opportunities arising out of such transactions for small and medium enterprises. Carnelutti examined the legal aspects, explaining the main legal structures to be put in place in order to establish an equity or non-equity joint venture. The Guide also includes an interview given by Luca Arnaboldi on the most crucial issues to be dealt with in structuring a joint venture transaction.

“Le Due Pecche della Restaurazione”

“Le due pecche della restaurazione” by Luca Arnaboldi, published in the Italian business magazine Economy.

Trademark Practice & Forms

Margherita Barié supplemented the chapter, which they had co-authored in previous editions, on the protection and management of trademarks in Italy for the US publication Trademark Practice & Forms, published by Oceana Publications. This is a detailed two-volume guide to protection of trademarks in jurisdictions around the world.

Shareholder Derivative Suits: Comparative Analysis

Dario Latella wrote an article entitled: "Shareholder Derivative Suits: a Comparative Analysis and the Implications of the European Shareholders’ Rights Directive", in EUROPEAN COMPANY AND FINANCIAL LAW REVIEW, N. 2-3 (VI), 2009, PP. 307-323; - available Social Science Research Network:

Real Estate 2009

Benedetta Amisano, Renata Ricotti and Filippo Galimberti co-wrote the Chapter on Italian real estate regulation in Real Estate 2009, published by Getting the Deal Through.

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Francesco Bestagno edited the book “I diritti economici, sociali e culturali, promozione e tutela nella comunità internazionale" (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), V&P Catholic University Press, Milan.

“La Favola Buona del Mondo Gratis”

“La favola buona del mondo gratis” by Luca Arnaboldi, published in the Italian business magazine Economy.


Paolo Baruffi, Mario Ippolito and Andrea Rittatore Vonwiller were contributing authors of the book “Il modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo di cui al D.Lgs. 231/2001”, published by Giuffré Editore.

Company Bankruptcy in the Reform of Insolvency Law

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "Company Bankruptcy in the Reform of Insolvency Law". The New, Reformed Insolvency Law. (waiting for publishing due to legislative reform).

The New Class Action in Italy and the Risks in the Acquisition of Italian Targets

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “The New Class Action in Italy and the Risks in the Acquisition of Italian Targets”, published in the American Bar Association (ABA) newsletter on “International Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures”.

Services Rendered by Providers from Non-Members States

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “La prestazione dei servizi nella Comunità europea da parte dei prestatori non comunitari” (Services Rendered by Providers from Non-Members States), published in "Diritto del commercio internazionale  - The Law of International Trade".


Paolo Baruffi, Mario Ippolito and Andrea Rittatore Vonwiller were contributing authors of the book “Il modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo di cui al D.Lgs. 231/2001”, published by Giuffré Editore.

Class Action: Comparing Legislation in Different Countries

Valentina Zanelli wrote an article entitled “L’azione collettiva risarcitoria: profili comparatistici” (Class Action: comparing legislation in different countries), published by Il Mulino in the legal periodical “AGE”, no. 1/08.

Italy’s REIT Response

Luca Arnaboldi and Benedetta Amisano co-wrote the article: “Italy’s REIT Response”, in the 28 June issue of Legal Week.

World Trademark Law Report Yearbook 2007

Margherita Barié wrote the chapter on Italian trademark regulation in the World Trademark Law Report Yearbook 2007.

Action for Company Liability by Minority Shareholders

Dario Latella wrote a book entitled: "Action for Company Liability by Minority Shareholders". (pp. XVII-424). ISBN: 9-788834-877517. TORINO: GIAPPICHELLI (ITALY).

The Single Market in Services

Francesco Bestagno co-edited with prof. L. Radicati di Brozolo the book “The Single Market in Services”, Giuffré, Milan (contributors: G. Berardis, F. Bestagno, A. Biondi, R. Luzzatto, A. Malatesta, M. Maresca, R. Mastroianni, M. Merola, E. Moavero Milanesi, B. Nascimbene).

Italian Trademark Regulation

Margherita Barié and Pietro Pouché co-wrote the chapter on Italian trademark regulation in Trademarks 2007, published by Getting the Deal Through.

Comment on Articles 194, 195, 196, 197, 198 and 199 of the Bankruptcy Act

Dario Latella wrote a comment on articles 194, 195, 196, 197, 198 and 199 of the Bankruptcy Act. In: JORIO ALBERTO E FABIANI MASSIMO. IL NUOVO DIRITTO FALLIMENTARE. (vol. II, pp. 2616-2643). ISBN: 978-88- 08-20120-1. Bologna: Zanichelli (Italy).

Comment on Articles 204, 205 and 206 of the Bankruptcy Act

Dario Latella wrote a comment on articles 204, 205 and 206 of the Bankruptcy Act. In: Jorio Alberto e Fabiani Massimo. Il Nuovo Diritto Fallimentare. (vol. II, pp. 2669-2673). ISBN: 978-88-08-20120- 1. Bologna: Zanichelli (Italy).

Equity Warrant and General Rules on Contracts

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "Equity Warrant and General Rules on Contracts: Issues on Termination for Non-Performance", note to Court of Ivrea, 1 September 2005. BANCA BORSA E TITOLI DI CREDITO. vol. II, pp. 365-394 ISSN: 0390-9522.

Limitations on Objective Liability of Financial Intermediaries

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: Limitations on Objective Liability of Financial Intermediaries. Liability in Placing and Managing Financial Products and Instruments and the MIFID European Directive. Messina, 11 May 2007. (pp. 1-10, waiting for publishing).

Shareholder Derivative Action in Europe

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "Shareholder Derivative Action in Europe: Monitoring the Management for Breach of Fiduciary Duty. Searching for New Models in the Economic Analysis of Law". TAORMINA (ITALY). March 25-27, 2007. (pp. 1-10, waiting for publishing); - available Social Science Research Network:

World Trademark Law Report Yearbook 2006

Margherita Barié wrote the chapter on Italian trademark regulation in the World Trademark Law Reports Yearbook 2006.

Basel II, IASs and New Company Law

Valentina Zanelli was a contributing author of the book “Basilea 2, Ias e nuovo diritto societario” (Basel II, IASs and New Company Law), published by Bancaria Editrice.

Trademark Practice & Forms

Margherita Barié wrote the Italian Chapter of the US publication Trademark Practice & Forms, edited by Oceana Publications.

World Trademark Law Report Yearbook 2005

Margherita Barié wrote the chapter on Italian trademark regulation in the World Trademark Law Report Yearbook 2005.

Corporate Groups

Andrea Rittatore Vonwiller and Mario Ippolito co-wrote “I Gruppi Societari”, a book on corporate groups, published by Giuffré.

International Protection of the Olympic Properties

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “La protezione internazionale del simbolo olimpico” (International Protection of the Olympic Properties), published in “Diritto internazionale dello sport” (International Sports Law), edited by E. Greppi, M. Vellano, Giappichelli, Turin.

Contractual Link and Non-Application of “Bona Fide” Principle

Cecilia Cagnoni Luoni wrote the note to judgement of the Court of Cassation sect. I, July 8, 2004, n. 12567, Collegamento negoziale e mancata applicazione del principio di buona fede (Contractual Link and Non-Application of Bona Fide Principle), in I Contratti, n. 1/2005, pp. 28-33.

The Implications of the Enlargement of the European Union for the World Trade Organization

Francesco Bestagno wrote the article “Le implicazioni dell’allargamento dell’Unione europea per l’Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (The Implications of the Enlargement of the European Union for the World Trade Organization), published in "Diritto del commercio internazionale - The Law of International Trade".  

Investment Securities – Uniform Commercial Code

Dario Latella wrote a paper entitled: "El sistema estatounidense de circulaciòn de las investment securities en la disciplina del artìculo 8 del uniform commercial code", in Revista de derecho bancario y bursátil, ISSN 0211-6138, Año nº 23, Nº 94, 2004, 43-86.

Human Rights and Impunity: Positive Obligations and Criminal Law

Francesco Bestagno wrote the book “Human Rights and Impunity: positive obligations and criminal law”, V&P Catholic University Press, Milan.

Safeguards in International Trade Law

Francesco Bestagno wrote the book “Le clausole di salvaguardia economica nel diritto internazionale" (Safeguards in International Trade Law), Milan, 1998, reviewed in Revue Générale de Droit international Public and in Journal of World Trade.

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